

人气:121 ℃/2021-11-20 20:29:08

1、Dear, please stay with me until we get old

2、Not pretend to be silent but have no strength to complain、

3、YOU must leam to look after yourselveS 你们必须学会照顾自己。

4、有人感激过你的善良么她们只会得寸进尺 Some people appreciate your kindness、 They will only be insatia

5、我想依赖而你却都不在 I want to rely on and you are not

7、Somehow I will show you that you are my night sky、

8、曾经那么疯狂如今这么迷惘 Once so crazy now so confused

9、Dont Leave Me Here

10、Your smile is so brilliant你的笑是那么灿烂

11、暗恋Secret love


13、If you would come back 如果你愿意回头

14、I want to love you all the time、 我要的爱无非你们一直都在。

15、The older I get, the less people I trust、 越长大,我发现能信任的人越少。

16、生日快乐 ,我对自己说 。Happy birthday to me /

17、请把我留在最好的时光里 Please send me to stay in the best time

18、直到现在才知道,他不爱我 Until now, he do not love me

19、Move feeling,Into the heart (动了情,入了心)

20、I love you already tired、爱你的我已经累了

21、初见走到了再见 First go to see

22、不要因为没有掌声而丢掉自己的梦想 Not because there is no applause and lost their own dreams

23、我以为开了灯的房间就不会黑 I think that turned on the light in the room would not be black

24、Nothing can ever replace you 、没有任何东西能取代你。

25、I am just a ordinary people、 我只是个普通人

26、我也曾以为世界美到不像话 I had thought that the world of beauty to not words

27、Love is a kind of poison、(爱情,是一种毒药。)

28、get out my oheart 你這個不甘寂寞的男人

29、The darkness is no darkness with thee、 有了你,黑暗不在是黑暗,

30、Laughing is the most touching mask、【笑是最动人的面具】

31、Is missing you in the dream、在梦里想着你

32、C、 Dont let others have you (不想让别人拥有你)

33、没有做不成的梦 只有不早醒的人 Nothing is impossible dreams only people who do not wake up early

34、You give me Stop 你给我站住

35、Softhearted is sick, but you are life、 心软是病,可你是命

36、love you。。。Can you believe it??

37、香蕉banana叫笨奶奶 苹果apple叫阿婆 tomato番茄这个厉害叫偷马桶

38、I can see the colour of the rainbow、、 我可以看見彩虹的顏色。

39、℡ 、I am a schoolgirl cute girl ╰﹀(我是女生可爱的女生∞)

40、我愿在你怀里成猫娇而不傲 I wish in your arms into the cat Jiao not proud

41、有些爱不用说比情人付出得更无所求 Some love less than lover pay more for nothing

42、原来你也会吃醋You will be jealous、

43、if you are missing someone 如果你在想念某一个人

44、Well maby Two is better than one,I need you now、

45、Accustomed, one day、(已经习惯了,一个人的日子。)



47、她在你面前完美无瑕,我在你面前丑态毕露 Her flawless in front of you, I am utterly shameless in fron

48、ˋ★☆、World Cup Argentina - - 。 ╮

49、Even if you bad i also love you 、即使你不好我也爱你。

50、伤口上撒盐是为了消毒还是痛得更彻底 Add salt to the wound to disinfection or pain more thoroughly

51、Recalled before, cry a little bit sorry for some happiness

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