1. 时不我待,岁月如梭。
2. 机不可失,失不再来。
3. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。
4. 吃一堑,长一智。
5. 天行健,君子以自强不息。
6. 勤能补拙,笃行无悔。
7. 有志者事竟成。
8. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
9. 不积跬步,无以至千里。
10. 成功源于不懈的努力和毅力。
1. Time and tide wait for no man.
2. Opportunity knocks only once.
3. As there is no royal road to learning, diligence and hard work are necessary.
4. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
5. Heaven helps those who help themselves.
6. Diligence can compensate for lack of talent, and persistence will never be regretted.
7. Where there is a will, there is a way.
8. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.
9. Step by step one goes far.
10. Success comes from relentless effort and perseverance.