

人气:434 ℃/2021-11-05 19:35:08

1、My heart stepped on the foot [ 把我的心踩在脚底 ]

2、Even a small star shines in the darkness.星星再小也会发光。

3、-I miss you but I miss you. [我想你但我却错过了你]

4、While there is life there is hope.一息若存,希望不灭

5、When somebody says you've changed, it's only because you stopped living your life their way.当有人说你变了的时候,不过是因为你不再按他们的方式生活罢了。

6、We now state, is the last before the break reserved. 我们现在的状态是分手前的最后的矜持。

7、I hope you are the time fixed lover 愿你是我时光盗不走的爱人

8、I am pride won't allow me to bow.(我的骄傲不允许我低头)

9、Overthinking is what kills you. 想太多会让人死掉。

10、The life I have a splash of biack. 生活溅了我一身黑狗血。

11、To unmb the pain to laugh off my . 痛到麻木 才能笑得畅快淋漓。

12、Because of love, I began to fear. 因为喜欢,我开始变得胆怯。

13、The most known person,the warmest partner 最懂的人,最暖的伴。

14、True friends won't grow apart even when they don't talk every day. 真正的朋友就算不每天聊天,也不会疏离。

15、For a moment, can remember many things, also missed a lot. 那一刻,能记得许多事,也错过了很多。

16、If love is the representative of the happiness, that what is happiness. 如果说爱情是幸福的代表,那幸福又是什么。

17、Far from eyes,far from heart. 眼不见,心不念。

18、The same people, spend a heart.不变的是人,消磨的是心。

19、Empty promises will wear.空洞的承诺总会磨损殆尽。

20、Love you so crazy you dream .. 爱你如此.痴你如梦

21、One day I will shine elegant [总有一天我会绽放优雅]

22、It is never too late to fall in love.爱永远不会嫌晚。

23、If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets. 只要你记得我,我不介意整个世界都把我遗忘了。

24、If deep will not be disappoint 倘若深情不被辜负

25、(*)I hope you are my warm我希望你是我的温暖

26、Do you know when you need I will break my neck to summer. 你知道当你需要的夏天我会拼了命努力。

27、Life always offers you a second chance. It is called tomorrow. 生活总会给你第二次机会。

28、One day I will shine elegant (终有一天我将绽放优雅)

29、In a city,the city lived in pain. [心中有座城,城里住着疼]

30、To unmb the pain to laugh off my。[痛到麻木才能笑得畅快淋漓]

31、It is not I don't wanna talk.But many things are safer to left untold. 不是不想说话,而是有很多话讲不出来,放在心里会安全点。

32、I iust rely on memory . 我只是依赖着记忆

33、No ticket what keep your beloved horse 没有票子拿什么留住你心爱的马子

34、The time that you are my most fatal. 时光深知你是我最致命的爱

35、I have given up to give up.-我已经放弃了放弃。

36、Emancipate urself from ur past. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back! 把自己从过去解放出来,前进的唯一方法是别往后看。

37、I have always loved you,but you do not know. 我一直深爱着你,只是你不知道而已。

38、I just want a warm embrace and nothing more. 我只是想要一个温暖的怀抱仅此而已。

39、Some people will never be forgotten while some are always substitutes. 有些人永远不会被遗忘,有些人永远只是代替品。

41、Faded memories, painful reality.淡了回忆,痛了现实。

42、You can fake a smile, but you can't fake your feelings. 你可以强颜欢笑,但你无法欺骗自己。

43、Sea birds and fish love, just an accident . 海鸟和鱼的相爱,只是一场意外

44、I've tried my last bit of energy, just as you bloomed sunflower smile. 我用尽最后一丝力气,只为你绽放向日葵一样的笑容

45、A cat has nine lives only in one .[猫有九条命也只有一心而已]

46、We are afraid of losing but never did learn to cherish. 我们害怕失去却始终没学会珍惜。

47、Nothing is I spell reason. 一无所有就是我拼的理由

48、I love the way you lie.我连你的谎言都爱.

49、Love is a kind of poison.(爱情,是一种毒药。)

50、Only I know how important you are 你有多重要只有我知道

51、Life's like a play: It's not the length,but the excellence of the acting that matters. 生命 如同一个剧本:重要的不是它有多长而是演出是否精彩。

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