
秋天的句子短句唯美英文 形容秋天英文美句

人气:141 ℃/2021-09-22 17:18:01

★☆ Deciduous autumn, breeze, all the good unexpected.落叶之秋,微风徐来,所有美好不期而至。

★☆ FaII in Iove, autumn ginkgo and tenderness are still with.FaII in Iove,秋天的银杏和温柔依旧同在。

★☆ Cool wind news, autumn moon boundless.凉风有讯,秋月无边。

★☆ The summer is unfinished and finished in autumn.夏天的未完待续,在秋天完成。

★☆ Autumn is too lovely ah, autumn wind together, even accidentally sneezed are, love autumn.秋天太可爱了呀,秋风一起,连不小心打声喷嚏都是,爱秋。

★☆ Summer regret must be gently resolved by the autumn wind.夏日的遗憾一定会被秋风温柔化解。

★☆ Falling clouds and solitary fowls fly together, autumn water is the same color as the sky.落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。

★☆ Hope there will be unexpected surprises in autumn.希望秋天会有意想不到的惊喜。

★☆ Crab is peeling my shell, notebook is writing me, all over the sky I fall on the maple leaf, you are thinking of me.螃蟹在剥我的壳,笔记本在写我,漫天的我落在枫叶上,你在想我。

★☆ Want to put summer and Coke into the refrigerator, and then take out a shake open, bang, autumn surging out.想把夏天和可乐装进冰箱里,然后拿出来摇一摇打开,嘭的一声,秋天一涌而出。

★☆ They say autumn is suitable for missing, in fact, more suitable for meeting.都说秋天适合思念,其实更加适合见面。

★☆ Unconsciously is autumn, busy for another year. 不知不觉已是秋,忙忙碌碌又一年了。

★☆ Tell autumn not to come, I wait for the person already yellow.告诉秋天不用来了,我等的人已经黄了。

★☆ I can wait for you one summer, but you must come in autumn.我可以等你一个夏天,但秋天你一定要来。

★☆ The wind drunk, secretly kissed the small leaves, the air mixed with the aroma of osmanthus, sunset saw the red face.风喝醉了,偷偷亲了一下小叶子,空气中夹杂着桂花的香气,晚霞看见了便红着脸。

★☆ Today&#;s wind is the messenger of autumn.今天的风是秋天的信差。

★☆ The Beginning of Autumn, the weather is fine, should collect happiness.立秋,天气晴,宜收集快乐。

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