

人气:149 ℃/2024-05-11 13:26:20

亚历山大普希金(亚历山大·谢尔盖耶维奇·普希金,俄语:Александр Сергеевич Пушкин,1799年6月6日-1837年2月10日),俄国诗人、剧作家、小说家、文学批评家和理论家、历史学家、政论家,俄国浪漫主义的杰出代表,俄国现实主义文学的奠基人,是十九世纪前期文学领域中最具声望的人物之一,被尊称为“俄国诗歌的太阳”、“俄国文学之父”,现代标准俄语的创始人。




[俄罗斯] 普希金

再见吧,自由的原素!最后一次了,在我眼前你的蓝色的浪头翻滚起伏,你的骄傲的美闪烁壮观。仿佛友人的忧郁的絮语,仿佛他别离一刻的招呼,最后一次了,我听着你的喧声呼唤,你的沉郁的吐诉。我全心渴望的国度啊,大海!多么常常地,在你的岸上我静静地,迷惘地徘徊,苦思着我那珍爱的愿望。啊,我多么爱听你的回声,那喑哑的声音,那深渊之歌,我爱听你黄昏时分的幽静,和你任性的脾气的发作!渔人的渺小的帆凭着你的喜怒无常的保护在两齿之间大胆地滑过,但你若汹涌起来,无法克服,成群的渔船就会覆没。直到现在,我还不能离开这令我厌烦的凝固的石岸,我还没有热烈地拥抱你,大海!也没有让我的诗情的波澜随着你的山脊跑开!你在期待,呼唤……我却被缚住,我的心突然想要挣脱开,是更强烈的感情把我迷住,于是我在岸边留下来……有什么可顾惜的?而今哪里能使我奔上坦荡的途径?在你的荒凉中,只有一件东西也许还激动我的心灵。一面峭壁,一座光荣的坟墓……那里,种种伟大的回忆已在寒冷的梦里沉没,啊,是拿破仑熄灭在那里。他已经在苦恼里长眠。紧随着他,另一个天才象风暴之间驰过我们面前,啊,我们心灵的另一个主宰。他去了,使自由在悲泣中!他把自己的桂 冠留给世上。喧腾吧,为险恶的天时而汹涌,噢,大海!他曾经为你歌唱。他是由你的精气塑成的,海啊,他是你的形象的反映;他象你似的深沉、有力、阴郁,他也倔强得和你一样。世界空虚了……哦,海洋,现在你还能把我带到哪里?到处,人们的命运都是一样:哪里有幸福,必有教育或暴君看守得非常严密。再见吧,大海!你壮观的美色将永远不会被我遗忘;我将久久地,久久地听着你在黄昏时分的轰响。心里充满了你,我将要把你的山岩,你的海湾,你的光和影,你的浪花的喋喋,带到森林,带到寂静的荒原。



[俄罗斯] 普希金













[俄罗斯] 普希金













[俄罗斯] 普希金
















[俄罗斯] 普希金




















[俄罗斯] 普希金












[俄罗斯] 普希金
























纪念碑Exegi monumentum

[俄罗斯] 普希金























[俄罗斯] 普希金




























[俄罗斯] 普希金



















[俄罗斯] 普希金















[俄罗斯] 普希金





















[俄罗斯] 普希金













[俄罗斯] 普希金










苏杭 译


[俄罗斯] 普希金

第一章 五十五















第二章 十八











第七章 四十八





第八章 十















第八章 十一















查良铮 译

I Loved You

[俄罗斯] 普希金

I loved you, and I probably still do,

And for a while the feeling may remain...

But let my love no longer trouble you,

I do not wish to cause you any pain.

I loved you; and the hopelessness I knew,

The jealousy, the shyness - though in vain -

Made up a love so tender and so true

As may God grant you to be loved again.

Translated by Genia Gurarie, 11/10/95


[俄罗斯] 普希金

What's friendship? The hangover's faction,

The gratis talk of outrage,

Exchange by vanity, inaction,

Or bitter shame of patronage.

The Prophet

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Longing for spiritual springs,

I dragged myself through desert sands ...

An angel with three pairs of wings

Arrived to me at cross of lands;

With fingers so light and slim

He touched my eyes as in a dream:

And opened my prophetic eyes

Like eyes of eagle in surprise.

He touched my ears in movement, single,

And they were filled with noise and jingle:

I heard a shuddering of heavens,

And angels' flight on azure heights

And creatures' crawl in long sea nights,

And rustle of vines in distant valleys.

And he bent down to my chin,

And he tore off my tongue of sin,

In cheat and idle talks aroused,

And with his hand in bloody specks

He put the sting of wizard snakes

Into my deadly stoned mouth.

With his sharp sword he cleaved my breast,

And plucked my quivering heart out,

And coals flamed with God's behest,

Into my gaping breast were ground.

Like dead I lay on desert sands,

And listened to the God's commands:

'Arise, O prophet, hark and see,

Be filled with utter My demands,

And, going over Land and Sea,

Burn with your Word the humane hearts.'



[俄罗斯] 普希金

I saw the Death, and she was seating

By quiet entrance at my own home,

I saw the doors were opened in my tomb,

And there, and there my hope was a-flitting

I'll die, and traces of my past

In days of future will be never sighted,

Look of my eyes will never be delighted

By dear look, in my existence last.

Farewell the somber world, where, precipice above,

My gloomy road was a-streaming,

Where life for me was never cheering,

Where I was loving, having not to love!

The dazzling heavens' azure curtain,

Beloved hills, the brook's enchanting dance,

You, mourn -- the inspiration's chance,

You, peaceful shades of wilderness, uncertain,

And all -- farewell, farewell at once.

A Magic Moment I Remember

[俄罗斯] 普希金

A magic moment I remember:

I raised my eyes and you were there,

A fleeting vision, the quintessence

Of all that's beautiful and rare

I pray to mute despair and anguish,

To vain the pursuits world esteems,

Long did I hear your soothing accents,

Long did your features haunt my dreams.

Time passed. A rebel storm-blast scattered

The reveries that once were mine

And I forgot your soothing accents,

Your features gracefully divine.

In dark days of enforced retirement

I gazed upon grey skies above

With no ideals to inspire me

No one to cry for, live for, love.

Then came a moment of reinessance,

I looked up - you again are there

A fleeting vision, the quintessence

Of all that's beautiful and rare

To ----

[俄罗斯] 普希金

I remember the marvellous moment

you appeared before me,

like a transient vision,

like pure beauty’s spirit.

Lost in hopeless sadness,

lost in the loud world’s turmoil,

I heard your voice’s echo,

and often dreamed your features.

Years passed. The storm winds scattered,

with turbulent gusts, that dreaming.

I forgot your voice, its tenderness.

I forgot your lovely face.

Remote in my darkened exile,

the days dragged by so slowly,

without grace, without inspiration,

without life, without tears, without love.

Then my spirit woke

and you, you appeared again,

like a transient vision,

like pure beauty’s spirit.

And my heart beats with delight,

and ecstasy, inside me,

and grace and inspiration,

and tears, and life, and love.

A Little Bird

[俄罗斯] 普希金

In alien lands I keep the body

Of ancient native rites and things:

I gladly free a little birdie

At celebration of the spring.

I'm now free for consolation,

And thankful to almighty Lord:

At least, to one of his creations

I've given freedom in this world!


[俄罗斯] 普希金

In my youth's years, she loved me, I am sure.

The flute of seven pipes she gave in my tenure

And harked to me with smile -- without speed,

Along the ringing holes of the reed,

I got to play with my non-artful fingers

The peaceful songs of Phrygian village singers,

And the important hymns, that gods to mortals bade.

>From morn till night in oaks' silent shade

I diligently harked to the mysterious virgin;

Rewarding me, by chance, for any good decision,

And taking locks aside of the enchanting face,

She sometimes took from me the flute, such commonplace.

The reed became alive in consecrated breathing

And filled the heart with holiness unceasing.

Bound For Your Distant Home

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Bound for your distant home

you were leaving alien lands.

In an hour as sad as I’ve known

I wept over your hands.

My hands were numb and cold,

still trying to restrain

you, whom my hurt told

never to end this pain.

But you snatched your lips away

from our bitterest kiss.

You invoked another place

than the dismal exile of this.

You said, ‘When we meet again,

in the shadow of olive-trees,

we shall kiss, in a love without pain,

under cloudless infinities.’

But there, alas, where the sky

shines with blue radiance,

where olive-tree shadows lie

on the waters glittering dance,

your beauty, your suffering,

are lost in eternity.

But the sweet kiss of our meeting ......

I wait for it: you owe it me .......

A Wish

[俄罗斯] 普希金

The days drag on, each moment multiplies

Within my wounded heart the pain and sadness

Of an unhappy love and, dark, gives rise.

To sleepless dreams, the haunting dreams of madness

But I do not complain - instead, I weep;

Tears bring me solace, comforted they leave me.

My spirit, captive held by grief, a deep.

And bitter rapture finds in them, believe me.

Pass, life! Come, empty phantom, onward fly.

And in the silent void of darkness vanish.

Dear it to me my love's unending anguish;

If as I die I love, pray let me die.

Don’t Ask Me Why

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Don’t ask me why, alone in dismal thought,

In times of mirth, I’m often filled with strife,

And why my weary stare is so distraught,

And why I don’t enjoy the dream of life;

Don’t ask me why my happiness has perished,

Why I don’t love the love that pleased me then,

No longer can I call someone my cherished--

Who once felt love will never love again;

Who once felt bliss, no more will feel its essence,

A moment’s happiness is all that we receive:

From youth, prosperity and joyful pleasantry,

All that is left is apathy and grief...


[俄罗斯] 普希金

My voice, to which love lends a tenderness and yearing,

Disturbs night's dreamy calm ... Pale at my bedside burning,

A taper wastes away ... From out my heart there surge

Stift verses, streams of love, that hum and sing and merge.

And, full of you, rush on, with passion overflowing.

I seem to see your eyes that, in the darkness glowing,

Meet mine ... I see your smile ... You speak to me alone:

My friend, my dearest friend ... I'm your's ... your own.

The Wish

[俄罗斯] 普希金

I shed my tears; my tears – my consolation;

And I am silent; my murmur is dead,

My soul, sunk in a depression’s shade,

Hides in its depths the bitter exultation.

I don’t deplore my passing dream of life --

Vanish in dark, the empty apparition!

I care only for my love’s infliction,

And let me die, but only die in love!


[俄罗斯] 普希金

What doesn't enter then my slumbering mind?



October has arrived - the woods have tossed

Their final leaves from naked branches;

A breath of autumn chill - the road begins to freeze,

The stream still murmurs as it passes by the mill,

The pond, however's frozen; and my neighbor hastens

to his far-flung fields with all the members of his hunt.

The winter wheat will suffer from this wild fun,

And baying hounds awake the slumbering groves.


This is my time: I am not fond of spring;

The tiresome thaw, the stench, the mud - spring sickens me.

The blood ferments, and yearning binds the heart and mind..

With cruel winter I am better satisfied,

I love the snows; when in the moonlight

A sleigh ride swift and carefree with a friend.

Who, warm and rosy 'neath a sable mantle,

Burns, trembles as she clasps your hand.


What fun it is, with feet in sharp steel shod,

To skim the mirror of the smooth and solid streams!

And how about the shining stir of winter feasts? . .

But in the end you must admit that naught but snow

For half the year will even bore a bear

Deep in his den. We cannot ride for ages,

In sleighs with youthful nymphs

Or sulk around the stove behind storm windows.


O, summer fair! I would have loved you, too,

Except for heat and dust and gnats and flies.

You kill off all our mental power,

Torment us; and like fields, we suffer from the drought;

To take a drink, refresh ourselves somehow -

We think of nothing else, and long for lady Winter,

And, having bid farewell to her with pancakes and with wine,

We hold a wake to honor her with ice-cream and with ice.


The latter days of fall are often cursed,

But as for me, kind reader, she is precious

In all her quiet beauty, mellow glow.

Thus might a child, disfavored in its family,

Draw my regard. To tell you honestly,

Of all the times of year, I cherish her alone.

She's full of worth; and I, a humble lover,

Have found in her peculiar charms.


How can this be explained? I favor her

As you might one day find yourself attracted

To a consumptive maid. Condemned to death,

The poor child languishes without complaint or anger.

A smile plays upon her withering lips;

She cannot sense as yet the gaping maw of death;

A crimson glow still flits across her face.

Today she lives, tomorrow she is gone.


A melancholy time! So charming to the eye!

Your beauty in its parting pleases me -

I love the lavish withering of nature,

The gold and scarlet raiment of the woods,

The crisp wind rustling o'er their threshold,

The sky engulfed by tides of rippled gloom,

The sun's scarce rays, approaching frosts,

And gray-haired winter threatening from afar.


When autumn comes, I bloom anew;

The Russian frost does wonders for my health;

Anew I fall in love with life's routine:

Betimes I'm soothed by dreams, betimes by hunger caught;

The blood flows free and easy in my heart,

Abrim with passion; once again, I'm happy, young,

I'm full of life - such is my organism

(Excuse me for this awful prosaism)


My horse is brought to me; in open field,

With flying mane, he carries fast his rider,

And with his shining hooves he hammers out a song

Upon the frozen, ringing vale, and crackling ice.

But fleeting day dies out, new fire comes alive

Inside the long-forgotten stove-- it blazes bright,

Then slowly smoulders - as I read before it,

Or nourish long and heartfelt thoughts.


And I forget the world - in silence sweet,

I'm sweetly lulled by my imagination,

And poetry awakens deep inside:

My heart is churned with lyric agitation,

It trembles, moans, and strives, as if in sleep,

To pour out in the end a free statement-

And here they come - a ghostly swarm of guests,

My long-lost friends, the fruits of all my dream.


My mind is overcome by dashing thoughts,

And rhymes come running eagerly to meet them,

My hand demands a pen; the pen - a sheet of paper.

Another minute - and my verse will freely flow.

Thus slumbers an immobile ship caught in immobile waters,

But lo! - the sailors rush all of a sudden, crawl

Up top, then down - sails billow, filled with wind;

The massive structure moves, and cuts the waves.


It sails. But whither do we sail?...



[俄罗斯] 普希金

When the loud day for men who sow and reap

Grows still, and on the silence of the town

The unsubstantial veils of night and sleep,

The meed of the day's labour, settle down,

Then for me in the stillness of the night

The wasting, watchful hours drag on their course,

And in the idle darkness comes the bite

Of all the burning serpents of remorse;

Dreams seethe; and fretful infelicities

Are swarming in my over-burdened soul,

And Memory before my wakeful eyes

With noiseless hand unwinds her lengthy scroll.

Then, as with loathing I peruse the years,

I tremble, and I curse my natal day,

Wail bitterly, and bitterly shed tears,

But cannot wash the woeful script away.


Lyric Written In 1830

[俄罗斯] 普希金

What means my name to you?...T'will die

As does the melancholy murmur

Of distant waves or, of a summer,

The forest's hushed nocturnal sigh.

Found on a fading album page,

Dim will it seem and enigmatic,

Like words traced on a tomb, a relic

Of some long dead and vanished age.

What's in my name?...Long since forgot,

Erased by new, tempestuous passion,

of tenderness 'twill leave you not

The lingering and sweet impression.

But in an hour of agony,

Pray, speak it, and recall my image,

And say, "He still remembers me,

His heart alone still pays me homage."

The Dream

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Not long ago, in a charming dream,

I saw myself -a king with crown's treasure;

I was in love with you, it seemed,

And heart was beating with a pleasure.

I sang my passion's song by your enchanting knees.

Why, dreams, you didn't prolong my happiness forever?

But gods deprived me not of whole their favor:

I only lost the kingdom of my dreams.

The Upas Tree

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Deep in the desert's misery,

far in the fury of the sand,

there stands the awesome Upas Tree

lone watchman of a lifeless land.

The wilderness, a world of thirst,

in wrath engendered it and filled

its every root, every accursed

grey leafstalk with a sap that killed.

Dissolving in the midday sun

the poison oozes through its bark,

and freezing when the day is done

gleams thick and gem-like in the dark.

No bird flies near, no tiger creeps;

alone the whirlwind, wild and black,

assails the tree of death and sweeps

away with death upon its back.

And though some roving cloud may stain

with glancing drops those leaden leaves,

the dripping of a poisoned rain

is all the burning sand receives.

But man sent man with one proud look

towards the tree, and he was gone,

the humble one, and there he took

the poison and returned at dawn.

He brought the deadly gum; with it

he brought some leaves, a withered bough,

while rivulets of icy sweat

ran slowly down his livid brow.

He came, he fell upon a mat,

and reaping a poor slave's reward,

died near the painted hut where sat

his now unconquerable lord.

The king, he soaked his arrows true

in poison, and beyond the plains

dispatched those messengers and slew

his neighbors in their own domains.


I Love Thee

[俄罗斯] 普希金

I loved thee; and perchance until this moment

Within my breast is smouldering still the fire!

Yet I would spare thy pain the least renewal,

Nothing shall rouse again the old desire!

I loved thee with a silent desperation--

Now timid, now with jealousy brought low,

I loved devoutly,--with such deep devotion--

Ah may God grant another love thee so!

Another Translation:

I loved you once: perhaps that love has yet

To die down thoroughly within my soul;

But let it not dismay you any longer;

I have no wish to cause you any sorrow.

I loved you wordlessly, without a hope,

By shyness tortured, or by jealousy.

I loved you with such tenderness and candor

And pray God grants you to be loved that way again.



[俄罗斯] 普希金

Oh, Morpheus, give me joy till morning

For my forever painful love:

Just blow out candles' burning

And let my dreams in blessing move.

Let from my soul disappear

The separation's sharp rebuke!

And let me see that dear look,

And let me hear voice that dear.

And when will vanish dark of night

And you will free my eyes at leaving,

Oh, if my heart would have a right

To lose its love till dark of evening!

The Talisman

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Where the sea forever dances

Over lonely cliff and dune,

Where sweet twilight's vapor glances

In a warmer-glowing moon,

Where with the seraglio's graces

Daylong toys the Mussulman,

An enchantress 'mid embraces

Handed me a talisman.

'Mid embraces I was bidden:

"Guard this talisman of mine:

In it secret power is hidden!

Love himself has made it thine.

Neither death nor ills nor aging,

My beloved, does it ban,

Nor in gales and tempest raging

Can avail my talisman.

Never will it help thee gather

Treasures of the Orient coast,

Neither to thy harness tether

Captives of the Prophet's host;

Nor in sadness will it lead thee

To a friendly bosom, nor

From this alien southland speed thee

To the native northern shore.

"But whenever eyes designing

Cast on thee a sudden spell,

In the darkness lips entwining

Love thee not, but kiss too well:

Shield thee, love, from evil preying,

From new heart-wounds---that it can,

From forgetting, from betraying

Guards thee this my talisman."


To My Friends

[俄罗斯] 普希金

The chain of golden days and nights

Is still your heritage from Deity,

And, still, the languid maidens’ eyes

Are turned to you as well intently.

So, play and sing, friends of my years!

Lose very quickly passing evening,

And, at your heedless joy and singing,

I will be smiling through my tears.


[俄罗斯] 普希金

In bygone days when life's array -

The sweet song of the nightingale

And maidens' eyes, the rustling woods -

Still left a fresh impression on me,

When loftiness of feeling,

And freedom, glory, love

Artistic inspiration

So deeply stirred my blood,

My times of hope were cast in shade

And pleasure dimmed by longing,

For it was then an evil genius

Began to pay me secret visits.

Our meetings were quite dolorous:

His smile, his glance mysterious,

His venom-filled and caustic sermons

Poured frozen poison in my soul.

With endless slandering remarks

He tempted Providence;

He claimed that beauty's but a dream;

Felt scorn for inspiration;

He had no faith in love or freedom;

He looked on life with ridicule-

And in the whole of nature

He did not wish to praise a single thing.


On Count Voronstov

[俄罗斯] 普希金

One half Milord, one half in trade,

One half a sage, one half a dunce,

One half a crook, but here for once

There's every hope he'll make the grade.


[俄罗斯] 普希金

He's blessed, who lives in peace, that's distant

From the ignorant fobs with calls,

Who can provide his every instance

With dreams, or labors, or recalls;

To whom the fate sends friends in score,

Who hides himself by Savior's back

From bashful fools, which lull and bore,

And from the impudent ones, which wake.

The Night

[俄罗斯] 普希金

My voice that is for you the languid one, and gentle,

Disturbs the velvet of the dark night's mantle,

By my bedside, a candle, my sad guard,

Burns, and my poems ripple and merge in flood --

And run the streams of love, run, full of you alone,

And in the dark, your eyes shine like the precious stones,

And smile to me, and hear I the voice:

My friend, my sweetest friend... I love... I'm yours... I'm yours!


[俄罗斯] 普希金

I love you - I love you, e'en as I

Rage at myself for this obsession,

And as I make my shamed confession,

Despairing at your feet I lie.

I know, I know - It ill becomes me,

I am too old, time to be wise ...

But how? ... This love - it overcomes me,

A sickness this in passion's guise.

When you are near I'm filled with sadness,

When far, I yawn, for life's a bore.

I must pour out this love, this madness,

There's nothing that I long for more!

When your shirts rustle, when, my angel,

Your girlish voice I hear, when your

Light step sounds in the parlour - strangely,

I turn confused, perturbed, unsure.

Your frown - and I'm in pain, I languish;

You smile - and joy defeats distress;

My one reward for a day's anguish

Comes when your, pale hand, love, I kiss.

When you sit, bent over your sewing,

Your eyes cast down and fine curls blowing.

About your face, with tenderness

I like childlike watch, my heart o'erflowing

With love, in my gaze a caress.

Shall I my jealousy and yearning

Describe, my bitterness and woe

When by yourself on some bleak morning

Off on a distant walk you go,

Or with another spend the evening

And, with him near, the piano play,

Or for Opochka leave, or, grieving

Weep and in silence, pass the day?

Alina! Pray relent have mercy!

I dare not ask for love - with all

My many sins, both great and small,

I am perhaps of love unworthy!

But if feigned love, if you would

Pretend, you'd easily deceive me,

For happily would I, believe me,

Deceive myself if but I could!


Old Man

[俄罗斯] 普希金

I’m not that lover, filled with passion, -

That youth, who left the world amazed:

Alas, my spring and summer passed now,

And didn’t leave a single trace.

Cupid, the god of youth and love and virtue!

I used to be your steadfast servant;

Oh, if I could be reborn, - I’d serve you

Even more passionate and fervent!

The Drowned Man

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Children running into izba,

Calling father, dripping sweat:

'Daddy, daddy! come -there is a

Deadman caught inside our net.'

'Fancy, fancy fabrication...'

Grumbled off their weary Pa,

'Have these imps imagination!

Deadman, really! ya-ha-ha...

'Well... the court may come to bother -

What'll I say before the judge?

Hey you brats, go have your mother

Bring my coat; I better trudge...

Show me, where? ' -'Right there, Dad, farther! '

On the sand where netting ropes

Lay spread out, the peasant father

Saw the veritable corpse.

Badly mangled, ugly, frightening,

Blue and swollen on each side...

Has he fished in storm and lightning,

Or committed suicide?

Could this be a careless drunkard,

Or a mermaid-seeking monk,

Or a merchandizer, conquered

By some bandits, robbed and sunk?

To the peasant, what's it matter!

Quick: he grabs the dead man's hair,

Drags his body to the water,

Looks around: nobody's there:

Good... relieved of the concern he

Shoves his paddle at a loss,

While the stiff resumes his journey

Down the stream for grave and cross.

Long the dead man as one living

Rocked on waves amid the foam...

Surly as he watched him leaving,

Soon our peasant headed home.

'Come you pups! let's go, don't scatter.

Each of you will get his bun.

But remember: just you chatter -

And I'll whip you, every one.'

Dark and stormy it was turning.

High the river ran in gloom.

Now the torch has finished burning

In the peasant's smoky room.

Kids asleep, the wife aslumber,

He lies listening to the rain...

Bang! he hears a sudden comer

Knocking on the window-pane.

'What the...' -'Let me in there, master! '

'Damn, you found the time to roam!

Well, what is it, your disaster?

Let you in? It's dark at home,

Dark and crowded... What a pest you are!

Where'd I put you in my cot...'

Slowly, with a lazy gesture,

He lifts up the pane and - what?

Through the clouds, the moon was showing...

Well? the naked man was there,

Down his hair the water flowing,

Wide his eyes, unmoved the stare;

Numb the dreadful-looking body,

Arms were hanging feeble, thin;

Crabs and cancers, black and bloody,

Sucked into the swollen skin.

As the peasant slammed the shutter

(Recognized his visitant)

Horror-struck he could but mutter

'Blast you! ' and began to pant.

He was shuddering, awful chaos

All night through stirred in his brain,

While the knocking shook the house

By the gates and at the pane.

People tell a dreadful rumor:

Every year the peasant, say,

Waiting in the worst of humor

For his visitor that day;

As the rainstorm is increasing,

Nightfall brings a hurricane -

And the drowned man knocks, unceasing,

By the gates and at the pane.

Translated by: Genia Gurarie, 11/95



[俄罗斯] 普希金

You saw perched on a cliff a maid,

Her raiment white above the breakers,

When the mad sea reared up and played

Its whips of spray on coastal acres

And now and then the lightnings flush,

And purple gleams upon her hover,

And fluttering up in swirling rush,

The wind rides in her airy cover?

Fair is the sea in gales arrayed,

The heavens drained of blue and flashing,

But fairer on her cliff the maid

Than storms and skies and breakers crashing.


[俄罗斯] 普希金

A lot of us were on the bark:

Some framed a sail for windy weather,

The others strongly and together

Moved oars. In silence sunk,

Keeping a rudder, strong and clever,

The skipper drove the heavy skiff;

And I -- with careless belief --

I sang for sailors... . But the stiff

Whirl smashed at once the waters' favor...

All dead -- the captain and his guard! --

But I, the enigmatic bard,

Was thrown to the shore alone.

I sing the former anthems, yet,

And dry my mantle, torn and wet,

In beams of sun under a stone.

The Name

[俄罗斯] 普希金

What is my name to you? 'T will die:

a wave that has but rolled to reach

with a lone splash a distant beach;

or in the timbered night a cry ...

'T will leave a lifeless trace among

names on your tablets: the design

of an entangled gravestone line

in an unfathomable tongue.

What is it then? A long-dead past,

lost in the rush of madder dreams,

upon your soul it will not cast

Mnemosyne's pure tender beams.

But if some sorrow comes to you,

utter my name with sighs, and tell

the silence: "Memory is true -

there beats a heart wherein I dwell."

I'Ve Lived To See Desire Vanish

[俄罗斯] 普希金

I’ve lived to see desire vanish,

With hope I’ve slowly come to part,

And I am left with only anguish,

The fruit of emptiness at heart.

Under the storms of merciless fate,

My worn and withered garland lies--

In sadness, lonesome, I await:

How far away is my demise?

Thus, conquered by a tardy frost,

Through gale’s whistling and shimmer,

Late, on a naked limb exposed

A lonesome leaf is left to quiver!...

Eastern Song

[俄罗斯] 普希金

I think that thou wert born for this—

To set the poet's vision burning,

To hold him in a trance of bliss,

And by sweet words to wake his yearning:

To charm him by those eyes that shine,

By that strange Eastern speech of thine,

And by thy feet—those tiny treasures!

Ah! thou wert born for languid pleasures

And glowing hours of bliss divine!

A Winter Evening

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Sable clouds by tempest driven,

Snowflakes whirling in the gales,

Hark--it sounds like grim wolves howling,

Hark--now like a child it wails!

Creeping through the rustling straw thatch,

Rattling on the mortared walls,

Like some weary wanderer knocking--

On the lowly pane it falls.

Fearsome darkness fills the kitchen,

Drear and lonely our retreat,

Speak a word and break the silence,

Dearest little Mother, sweet!

Has the moaning of the tempest

Closed thine eyelids wearily?

Has the spinning wheel's soft whirring

Hummed a cradle song to thee?

Sweetheart of my youthful Springtime,

Thou true-souled companion dear--

Let us drink! Away with sadness!

Wine will fill our hearts with cheer.

Sing the song how free and careless

Birds live in a distant land--

Sing the song of maids at morning

Meeting by the brook's clear strand!

Sable clouds by tempest driven,

Snowflakes whirling in the gales,

Hark--it sounds like grim wolves howling,

Hark--now like a child it wails!

Sweetheart of my youthful Springtime,

Thou true-souled companion dear,

Let us drink! Away with sadness!

Wine will fill our hearts with cheer!


May 26, 1828

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Gift haphazard, unavailing,

Life, why were thou given me?

Why art thou to death unfailing

Sentenced by dark destiny?

Who in harsh despotic fashion

Once from Nothing called me out,

Filled my soul with burning passion

Vexed and shook my mind with doubt?

I can see no goal before me;

Empty heart and idle mind.

Life monotonously o'er me

Roars, and leaves a wound behind.

Day's Rain Is Done

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Day's rain is done. The rainy mist of night

Spreads on the sky, leaden apparel wearing,

And through the pine-trees, like a ghost appearing,

The moon comes up with hidden light.

All in my soul drags me to dark surrender.

There, far away, rises the moon in splendour.

There all the air is drunk with evening heat,

There move the waters in a sumptuous heat,

And overhead the azure skies...

It is the hour. From high hills she has gone

To sea-shores flooding in the waves' loud cries;

There, where the holy cliffs arise,

Now she sits melancholy and alone...

Alone... Before her none is weeping, fretting,

None, on his knees, is kissing her, forgetting;

Alone... To no one's lips is she betraying

Her shoulders, her wet lips, her snow-white bosom.

No one is worthy of her heavenly love.

'Tis true?... Alone... You weep... I do not move.

Yet if...


A Serenade

[俄罗斯] 普希金

I watch Inesilla

Thy window beneath,

Deep slumbers the villa

In night's dusky sheath.

Enamoured I linger,

Close mantled, for thee--

With sword and with guitar,

O look once on me!

Art sleeping? Wilt wake thee

Guitar tones so light?

The argus-eyed greybeard

My swift sword shall smite.

The ladder of ropes

Throw me fearlessly now!

Dost falter? Hast thou, Sweet,

Been false to thy vow?

I watch Inesilla

Thy window beneath,

Deep slumbers the villa

In night's dusky sheath!



[俄罗斯] 普希金

--What’s new? “I tell you, nothing whatsoever.”

--Don’t fool with me: you’re hiding it, I know.

Oh, don’t you feel ashamed? you think you’re clever

To hide the news from me like from a foe?

Oh, tell me, brother, why? Inform me, I insist!

Don’t be so stubborn, give me just a clue...

“Oh, let me be, the only thing I know is this -

That you’re a fool, but that is nothing new.”

The Singer

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Did you attend? He sang by grove ripe -

The bard of love, the singer of his mourning.

When fields were silent by the early morning,

To sad and simple sounds of a pipe

Did you attend?

Did you behold in dark of forest leaf

The bard of love, the singer of his sadness?

The trace of tears, the smile, the utter paleness,

The quiet look, full of eternal grief,

Did you behold?

Then did you sigh when hearing how cries

The bard of love, the singer of his dole?

When in the woods you saw the young man, sole,

And met the look of his extinguished eyes,

Then did you sigh?

Goblins Of The Steppes

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Stormy clouds delirious straying,

Showers of whirling snowflakes white,

And the pallid moonbeams waning--

Sad the heavens, sad the night!

Further speeds the sledge, and further,

Loud the sleighbell's melody,

Grewsome, frightful 'tis becoming,

'Mid these snow fields now to be!

Hasten! 'That is useless, Master,

Heavier for my team their load,

And my eyes with snow o'er plastered

Can no longer see the road!

Lost all trace of our direction,

Sir, what now? The goblins draw

Us already round in circles,

Pull the sledge with evil claw!

See! One hops with frantic gesture,

In my face to grin and hiss,

See! It goads the frenzied horses

Onward to the black abyss!

In the darkness, like a paling

One stands forth,--and now I see

Him like walking-fire sparkling--

Then the blackness,--woe is me!'

Stormy clouds delirious straying,

Showers of snowflakes whirling white,

And the pallid moonbeams waning--

Sad the heavens, sad the night!

Sudden halt the weary horses,

Silent too the sleighbells whirr--

Look! What crouches on the ground there?

'Wolf,--or shrub,--I know not, Sir.'

How the wind's brood rage and whimper!

Scenting, blow the triple team;

See! One hops here! Forward Driver!

How his eyes with evil gleam!

Scarce controllable the horses,

How the harness bells resound!

Look! With what a sneering grimace

Now the spirit band surround!

In an endless long procession,

Formless, countless of their kind

Circle us in flying coveys

Like the leaves in Autumn wind.

Now in ghastly silence deathly,

Now with shrilling elfin cry--

Is it some mad dance of bridal,

Or a death march passing by?

Stormy clouds delirious straying

Showers of snowflakes whirling white,

And the pallid moonbeams waning--

Sad the heavens, sad the night!

Cloudward course the evil spirits

In unceasing phantom bands,

And their moaning and bewailing

Grip my heart with icy hands!

The Poet

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Until he hears Apollo's call

To make a hallowed sacrifice,

A Poet lives in feeble thrall

To people's empty vanities;

And silent is his sacred lyre,

His soul partakes of chilly sleep,

And of the world's unworthy sons

He is, perhaps, the very least.

But once Divinity's command

Approaches his exquisite ear,

The poet's soul awakens, poised,

Just like an eagle stirred from sleep.

All worldly pleasures leave him cold,

From common talk he stays aloof,

And will not lower his proud head

Before the nation's sacred cow.

Untamed and brooding, he takes flight,

Seething with sound and agitation,

To reach a sea-swept, desert shore,

A woodland wide and murmuring...


The Last Flower

[俄罗斯] 普希金

Rich the first flower's graces be,

But dearer far the last to me;

My spirit feels renewal sweet,

Of all my dreams hope or desire--

The hours of parting oft inspire

More than the moments when we meet!

Tatiana's Letter

[俄罗斯] 普希金


I write to you . . . when that is said

What more is left for me to say ?

Now you are free (I know too well)

To heap contempt upon my head.

Yet if some sparks of pity dwell

Within your breast you'll surely not

Abandon me to my hard lot.

When first I saw you I desired

To hold my peace : my shame ('tis true)

Would ne'er have been revealed to you

Had life's conditions but inspired

One gleam of hope that you would come

To see us in our country home

From time to time, so that I might

Hear but one word, catch but one tone,

And live by dreaming on alone

Till our next meeting, day and night.

But then it seemed there was no hope;

Our rustic quiet bored you so,

Folk said you were a misanthrope;

And we—we do not make a show—

You found us narrow in our scope.

Why did you come to visit us

I n this forgotten quiet place ?

I need not have been tortured thus

If I had never seen your face.

My inexperienced heart maybe

Had grown resigned to this dull life,

And future years had brought to me

Some other love—my destiny

An honoured mother and true wife.

Another's! Nay, to none on earth

Could I have given this heart of mine.

By the decree of the Most High,

And by Heaven's willing, I am thine.

Allotted unto you was I

E'en from the moment of my birth

And loyal to my future fate;

And God, I know, sent you to be

My champion and my advocate

Till the grave closes over me. . . .

Oft in my dreams you did appear;

I loved you then before the days

When palpably I saw you here ;

I languished in your wondrous gaze

And in my heart your voice rang clear

Long since. ... It was no dream to me!

You came—at once I understood

This swift confusion in my blood,

While my thoughts whispered : ' Lo, 'tis he.'

Was it not true ? Am I not sure

You spoke with me in hours of peace

When I went visiting my poor,

Or when I strove by prayer to ease

The pain in which my spirit toss'd ?

Was not your image wont to rise

A vision sweet—too quickly lost—

To light my gloom ? Did not mine eyes

See you bend gently o'er my bed ?

Were not some words low whispered

Of love and hope ? Now in what guise

Come you ? As guardian angel good,

Or tempter in some wily mood ?

0 speak, and set my doubts at rest!

What if all this should prove at best

The empty dream, more light than froth,

Of a heart simple and untried ?

Well, be it so! But from henceforth

I must to you my fate confide.

Must weep my tears about your feet

And for your sheltering love entreat.

Picture me now. ... I sit alone

With none to heed or guess what ails . . .

And now my very reason fails!

I wait for you. One glance of yours

Fresh hope unto my heart restores;

Or else the cruel dream comes back

Of merited contempt. . . . Alack!

[She seals the letter.]

'Tis done! I scarce dare read it through,

But overcome with shame and fright

I trust my honour now to you,

And dare to think I trust aright.



[俄罗斯] 普希金

If I walk the noisy streets,

Or enter a many thronged church,

Or sit among the wild young generation,

I give way to my thoughts.

I say to myself: the years are fleeting,

And however many there seem to be,

We must all go under the eternal vault,

And someone?s hour is already at hand.

When I look at a solitary oak

I think: the patriarch of the woods.

It will outlive my forgotten age

As it outlived that of my grandfathers?.

If I dandle a young infant,

Immediately I think: farewell!

I will yield my place to you,

For I must fade while your flower blooms.

Each day, and every hour

I habitually follow in my thoughts,

Trying to guess from their number

The year which brings my death.

And where will fate send death to me?

In battle, in my travels, or on the seas?

Or will the neighbouring valley

Receive my chilled ashes?

And although to the senseless body

It is indifferent wherever it rots,

Yet close to my beloved countryside

I still would prefer to rest.

And let it be, beside the grave?s vault

That young life forever will be playing,

And impartial, indifferent nature

Eternally be shining in beauty.

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