1、 没有良心的知识,会毁灭人的灵魂。Knowledge without conscience will destroy human soul、
2、 有人说学习可以成就一切,而我更愿意为学习付出一切。Some people say that learning can accomplish everything, but I prefer to give everything for learning、
3、 智慧就是懂得该忽略什么的技巧。 ----威廉-詹姆斯Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it、 ----Thomas Paine
4、 自得读书乐,不邀为善名。Read for pleasure, not invite to be a good name、
5、 Wisdom comes from diligence, and greatness comes from the ordinary、智慧源于勤奋,伟大出自平凡。
6、 只有通过工作和斗争,人才能获得自己的独创性和自尊。 ----驼斯妥也夫斯基Other people's interruptions of your work are relatively insignificant compared with the countless times you interrupt yourself、 ----Brendan Francis
导读: 我们读书越多,就越发现我们是无知的。下面是小编为你推荐的英文读书名言警句。
8、 养儿不读书,不如养头猪。Raising children is better than raising pigs、
9、 , infinity! There are no other questions that deeply touched the human mind、 - Hilbert
10、 Relax! be patient and enjoy yourself、 learning foreign languages should be fun、 放松点!要有耐性,并让自己快乐!学习外语应该是乐趣无穷的。
11、 , learning demands the greatest tension and enthusiasm for people、 - Pavlov
12、, learning is an unusual and precious thing、 It is no shame to absorb from any source、 - Abu Ge Faraz
14、 努力读书吧,这是获取平静心情的有效途径。Read hard、 It's an effective way to get calm、
15、 读书之法,在循序渐进,熟读而精思。The method of reading is gradual, proficient and thoughtful、
16、 我们读书越多,就越发现我们是无知的。The more we read, the more we discover that we are ignorant、
17、Only the selfless can be fearless、 无私才能无畏。
18、 没有知识的旅游者是一只没有翅膀的鸟。A tourist without knowledge is a bird without wings、