

人气:444 ℃/2022-10-12 04:07:59


01政府应该对铁路比公路花钱? 这位同学整体架构比较完整,但是口语化比较严重,语法错误比较多,基础不够扎实,需多多练习。最终得分4.5-5分,还有很大的进步空间。


Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Traffic problem has disturbed government for a long term,as a lot of measure [b1] have been taken to solve that, [b2] there are still some problems remained,m[b3] any people say that government should spend more money on rail rather than road,but i can not[b4] totally agree with this opinion.

Railway, comparing [b5] with road,has larger capacity to load [b6] goods or people,and it is also a good choice for long-distance travel.One of the advantages of rail is that you will never meet a traffic light or jam on your way to the destiny[b7] .Government have invest [b8] a lot to make it more safe[b9] and convenient[b10] ,but sometimes it [b11] still makes trouble for people when it is at[b12] peak time;[b13] such as Spring Festival in China,there are even not enough tickets for those passengers who want to go home and [b14] they have to stay in the waiting room for a long time.So more basic facilities or more trains are needed to serve such a large number of people and increase the degree of comfort in passenger s [b15] journey.

On the contrast,road ,as another way that frequently used,is more flexible than railway,b[b16] ut things changed when traffic condition is poor,ad [b17] people nowadays spend a lot of time on traffic jam due to the increasing number of private cars,especially in those major cities.In order to figure this problem,government should invest to build more roads like [b18] overhead-roads to release the traffic stress ,so that the air quality[b19] in cities will improve a lot ,too.[b20]

Overall,fund [b21] are needed in both of areas,but it is not wise to say that more money should be used in rail or road,it must according [b22] to the circumstance.








[b8]has invested


[b10]more convenient



















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