

人气:460 ℃/2021-09-02 01:39:01

The boundless sea is like a gobi, we are the sands in the beach, but your company makes me no longer feel small and lonely.






I thought it was the most precious thing in friendship.


The friendship of a wise man is more valuable than the friendship of all fools.

Friendship is like a star, but love is only a candle. The candle is worn out, but the stars always shine.

A friend is always the first.


Life is too expensive to know.


Remember that last spring, jiangbian was the king. Today I will visit again and see no one. But when I saw a pot of earth, it hurt my heart. Sad and sad, sad and sad, I can t bear the tears! When we come to love, the river is sad. Son period son, you and I am a thousand jin yi, all over the world is not enough language, this song finally of the song is not a shot, the three foot yao qin is the king dead!


Friendship is like words, we write it together, we write it into a magnificent chapter.


Don t trust your friends in an emergency.


When sad and wrong, cry aloud. After crying over the face, pat yourself on the face, and squeeze out a smile for yourself. Don t rub it, otherwise your eyes will swell the next morning.

Dialogue is between the enemy and the enemy, not between friends.




Honesty and friendship should not be measured by the length of time.


Friendship is an important part of man s spiritual life, without friendship, it is like living in a desolate desert. Lack of friends, the most feel lonely world, people need friendship, eager to friendship, the pursuit of friendship, because a sincere friendship can make people, make people pleased, make you happy, make people forward.

Understanding is the soil that is the fruit of all friendship.


The sound of the cello is like a river, the left bank is the year I can t forget, and the right bank is the bright youth of my life. The years that we thought we could remember were forgotten in our memories. I still believe that there will always be a day for two parallel lines.

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