

人气:221 ℃/2022-11-08 22:42:42


01The kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me.Happy Birthday!

Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life's way. May your birthday be happy in more ways than one.

02Wishing you a happy birthday! May the best and loving things be some of the joy your birthday brings.

We hope that you enjoy this special day and your birthday grows happier by the minute!

03I want to tell you on this special day that I'm very glad time hasn't changed our friendship any. Hoping your birthday is great.

Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made. May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before.

04Happy birthday to a wonderful man!

A little birthday wish. A small token of my wish. May you seek diligently, may you always have an insatiable desire to learn.

05Every year comes and goes, leaving a permanent happy memories. May today's moment is full of sunshine, as if the sun always shines!

My greetings to my love for you. May your birthday wishes, when one day in the past, you lie down to enjoy peace, may happiness. The golden dream that fills your comfort.


happy birthday to you!

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